Quilt Registration for QuiltScape 2025!

For our 2025 quilt show FCQ will be using online quilt registration.

Never Fear!

To assist with the transition and to get you ready for the online process, traditional paper copies of the instructions and the form will be available at meetings and online for printing.

Plenty of assistance will be available at meetings and by request.

Please follow the steps below.

  • 1. Print or obtain paper copies

    🔹 Information Page

    🔹 Registration Form

    Print or obtain one Registration Form for each quilt you will enter

  • 2. Read

    Please read both the Information Page and the Registration Form

  • 3. Fill out paper copy

    Fill out one paper copy of the Registration Form for each quilt you will enter.

    This is your backup copy.

    Keep it.

  • 4. Fill out the online registration form

    Use the paper copy (Step 3) as your guide.

    Click on the Online Quilt Registration Form button at the bottom of this page to begin the online registration process.

When you click the SUBMIT button on the Online Registration Form a “Thank You” type message displays indicating that your quilt was registered. Poof! You are done!

Helpers will be stationed in the vestibule of the church during guild meetings to help anyone needing assistance.

If you need assistance at other times, please contact any of the following people:

  • Donna Mueller (mueller.dmfm@gmail.com) 630-638-0368

  • Beth Jankowski (bj.jans20@gmail.com) 773-344-5220

  • Pauline Johnson (pajjohn1@gmail.com) 630-918-1330

  • Annabelle Jankowiak (annabelle.jankowiak@gmail.com) 630-781-2805